Two notable year-long projects in the DS classes are raising salmon from eggs and releasing the smolt into the Clinton River through the Michigan DNR's Salmon in the Classroom program. We also raise a variety of vegetables, fruits, and herbs right in our windowless classrooms in our hydroponic tower garden, eating our delicious harvest!
Our BCS staff prides ourselves on offering an inquiry-based curriculum that is rich in 21st Century Skills and real-world applications from the beginning of third grade. 3/4 students have 90 minutes of Engage per week (two 45-minute classes) during which they create products utilizing a variety of technological tools. In addition, in other subject-areas, students use technology as a learning tool and to create projects and products to document and to share their learning. Our kids develop strong skills using technology and they grow into well-rounded young people who are experts in higher-level thinking.
Our curriculum operates on a two-year cycle, meaning that we do different things from year to year so that students have a new curricular experience both years on the 3/4 team.
Parents can get daily curriculum updates on our Facebook group to find out what is going on in our classrooms.
SYSTEMS CURRICULUM - School years beginning in ODD numbers
Science: Environments, Earth Materials, Variables
Social Studies: Michigan (includes Geography, History, Economics, Government, Core Democratic Values)
Language Arts: Reading and Writing Workshop, using Lucy Calkins 3rd and 4th grade units
Language Arts: Reading and Writing Workshop, using Lucy Calkins 3rd and 4th grade units
PATTERNS CURRICULUM - School years beginning in EVEN numbers
Science: Magnetism and Electricity, States of Matter, Structures of Life
Social Studies: The United States (includes Geography, Regional Studies, Economics, Government, Core Democratic Values)
Language Arts: Reading and Writing Workshop, using Lucy Calkins 3rd and 4th grade units
Language Arts: Reading and Writing Workshop, using Lucy Calkins 3rd and 4th grade units
BCS Curriculum Information
Students learn cursive. BPS uses Handwriting Without Tears.
Students learn cursive. BPS uses Handwriting Without Tears.
Students use Words Their Way for spelling and word work. A research-based method, it teaches vocabulary, phonics, and spelling by identifying five spelling stages through which all learners develop. Teachers identify your child's spelling stage and provide instruction to develop your child's skills to the next stage by examining the spelling patterns of the English language. We use activities from the workbook, including word sorts, as well as digital activities on Spelling City.
Standards-Based Grading and BPS Report Card Information
(Over the duration of the two-year cycle, we teach both the 3rd grade and 4th grade state and district curriculum.)
Social Studies:,1607,7-140-28753_33232---,00.html
Michigan Educational Technology Standards:
Common Core Standards for Math and Language Arts: