Welcome to Our Class Website!

Welcome to the Davis/Seley class website.
Explore this website to see why DSBCS is a great place to be!
Contact us at
KDavis2@birmingham.k12.mi.us and TSeley@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Class Structures





Color-coded folders, math books, planners, and a chapter book should be in the cloth zip-up binder at all times. PARENTS ARE REQUESTED NOT TO “CLEAN OUT” THEIR CHILD’S BINDER. We use a portfolio approach, as virtually all assignments and packets are long-term projects that students will need every day. We realize that the binders are bulky, but due to limits on classroom storage, this is the best system we have developed to meet the kids’ needs in the classroom. Some kids prefer a backpack with wheels.

Blue Mail and Graded Papers folders: This is the place for notes, mail, graded papers, and any other homework assignments. Students stuff these folders themselves. The left pocket is for things to keep at home, the right pocket is for things to sign and then return to school.

Purple Math folders: Any loose math papers are stored here.  We use a portfolio approach in math and encourage students to keep papers in their math folders for the whole year.

Red Social Studies folders, green Science folders, yellow Language Arts folders, orange DOL/grammar folders: In the prongs, we store our current unit’s packet and we keep other related worksheets and papers in the pockets. All pages should stay in the folder until the unit is completed. Once we have done a final check of the kids’ folders, we will remove the packets and other loose papers and take them home in the blue Notes and Graded Work folder. At this point, they are yours to keep forever!  Mostly, these folders are left in our classroom since the work is typically classwork, not homework.

In our classroom cubbies, each child also has a Reading Journal, a Writing Journal, a Science Journal, a Social Studies notebook, and a cursive book.  We use these notebooks in class and they are usually left in the classroom.

Math materials: Students should always carry their books and in their binders. We NEVER tear pages out of either book.

Read the Facebook group posts regularly.  Each week, we send home graded papers.  On the blog, we give you a  "heads up" whenever we send important things home for parents to see.



Our students' lockers are located in the 100 hall, right outside our classrooms.

Watch this helpful video on how to do your locker combination (or "code" as the kids say). We're going to have a lot of fun too, and it all starts with the locker!

Instructions courtesy of http://www.riedlteach.com/2013/08/how-to-combination-lock.html

Practice makes perfect!

The purpose of lockers is to provide each student with a safe, secure, private space to store his/her school materials. No tape or stickers of any kind are allowed inside or on the front of the lockers. Magnets are allowed.



Our goal for students is that they are independent in turning in their paperwork. While we do remind students where to store papers, when to check pockets for work that is due, where to put the homework, and ample time to organize, we do not make it a habit to take papers from the kids’ hands or folders. Eventually, students are able to take their completed work to the turn-in trays and file them accordingly for us to grade. Independence takes time, patience, and teaching! We each have a set of plastic trays in the back of the room that are labeled by subject. Students are responsible for making sure their names are on their papers and then for putting them in the appropriate tray. We are also moving more and more toward submitting assignments electronically.

As we mentioned at Back to School Night, if students do not complete their homework or just want some help, they will have the opportunity to eat lunch with us and to complete their homework (including Spelling City) during lunchtime and recess time in our rooms. When the homework is done, the student may return to lunch and recess. We have received many appreciative comments from parents for supporting moms and dads as they encourage their children to finish homework.

Most of our homework is skills practice time and finishing up classwork.

When parents have questions about homework, we recommend that they first talk with their child and then ask your child to check with us the next day. If you are not satisfied with your child’s response, please email us and we can collaborate to help your child be more independently responsible for their homework. A lot of parents like to write their children reminder notes in the child’s planner. This is very helpful towards fostering independence!

See our Homework Help tab above for more information about the home side of homework.



In Rooms 101 and 103, kids are always allowed to eat when they are hungry, no matter what time it is. We encourage kids to "eat any time, but not all the time."  Kids are encouraged to bring a re-usable water bottle to class every day.  Please label it with your child's first and last name.  Most kids need 2-3 snacks per day, usually in the morning during Class Meeting and before Choice Hour.

We have a Healthy Snacks policy. The “no’s” include:

NO candy

NO chips (pretzels ok)

NO cookies

NO colored beverages (to protect our carpet)

NO NUTS OF ANY KIND due to student allergies (no Nutella, but sunflower seeds are ok)

Insulated lunch bags with cold packs can stay in lockers, and kids can take out a snacks as needed. We encourage kids to help in packing their own lunches and snacks by third and fourth grade.  Here are some healthy snack ideas that students like.  Mrs. Davis is a mom, too, and many of these are her kids' school snack staples, and are quick and easy! 
  • Fruit
  • Veggies and humus
  • Low-sugar, high-protein, high-fiber, nut-free granola bar
  • Beef or turkey jerky
  • Hard boiled egg
  • Greek yogurt tube 
  • Mini bagel
  • Cheese and whole grain crackers
  • Tortilla chips and guacamole
  • Sunchips, pretzels, popcorn, Chex Mix
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Half a sandwich or a whole sandwich! (tuna, lunchmeat, cheese, Sunbutter)
  • Whole-grain, low-sugar, high-protein, high-fiber, nut-free cereals (Cheerios, Cracklin' Oat Bran, Grape Nuts, Frosted Mini-Wheats are some no-nut favorites in the Davis household, where her kids could live off cereal and be happy!!)
  • Homemade trail mix (sunflower seeds, raisins/craisins, cereal)



Our class website is designed for our families. It is informative, helpful, and insightful about your child’s school experience.

Our closed Facebook group will tell you what we do in class every day and what the homework is.  Much of our homework is ongoing for the week, with new math assignments each day. We like to share photos and details about your child's day at school, including our schedule, learning targets, and a photo of the planner.

Remember that each child writes in his or her planner EVERY day. We fill out our copy of the planner on the document camera projected for the kids to see and spend 10-15 minutes filling it in together and having a peer or teacher check that everyone's planners are filled in correctly and completely. The purpose of the Facebook post is to explain assignments with greater detail. Occasionally, we may be unable to post due to various circumstances. We encourage parents to compare our online listing of homework with their child’s planner to help their child to evaluate his or her own self-organization.

Please initial your child's planner at the bottom of each day's column.



Your child works regularly on Google Classroom. At home, have your child sit down with you and log in to show you his or her work. Some documents in your child's drive are assignments and some are free choice creations.



Birmingham Public Schools uses standards based grading for all elementary students.  On graded work, you will see M or MM or WT or B, to represent Mastery, Meeting Most, Working Toward, or Below as we assess your child's  learning.  In mastery grading, a student's final level is what matters. You will also see learning standards typed on assignments.  For more information about BPS' elementary grading, click here.



Click here to view our Curriculum Night presentation.

Click here to view the principals' general information they share with new families.



Parents and students are encouraged to email Mrs. Davis and Mr. Seley anytime with questions and comments. WE LOVE EMAILS FROM PARENTS! We are here for you! Copy both of us. We almost always reply by the end of the same school day, and always within 24 hours. Please do not leave us voicemail!!!
