Welcome to Our Class Website!

Welcome to the Davis/Seley class website.
Explore this website to see why DSBCS is a great place to be!
Contact us at
KDavis2@birmingham.k12.mi.us and TSeley@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Remote Learning, Spring, 2020

Since Michigan school buildings closed on March 13, 2020, we have paused using our Facebook group. All parent communications are made via email. Please know that BPS staff emails parents using the emails you entered into PowerSchool. If you would like your email added to our  Davis/Seley weekly group, you may email us.

All student work is on our BCS 3/4 Team Google Classroom, accessible only to our students. The link is https://classroom.google.com/u/1/c/NTM0NTIxMDQ0NTda

On Fridays, Mr. Seley and Mrs. Davis post videos featuring ourselves to address the social-emotional needs of our students. We did not want to post them outside of the members of our class, so Friday videos are shared on our Google Classroom we used before the school closure at  https://classroom.google.com/u/1/w/NDMxMzU0MDA3MDNa/tc/ODkzNDI0OTU5MDVa 

We are meeting live twice a week for social-emotional "touchpoints" and those details are in Google Classroom and have been communicated via parent email.

Students use their BPS-schools Google login to access our Google Classrooms.

While parents cannot log in to Google Classroom themselves due to student privacy, please look at your child's work in Google Classroom alongside them at least once per week. You will see scores on quizzes/forms as well as "private comments" we have made on your child's writing assignments. Press the "mark as done" or "turn in buttons" to remove assignments from your child's "missing" list. If your child presses "mark as done" or "turn in" and didn't do the quiz or the work, we will be able to see that.

For tips and how-tos in Google Classroom, with your child logged in, click here https://classroom.google.com/u/1/w/NTM0NTIxMDQ0NTda/tc/NzEwNTYzMDQ0MDNa

We cannot say it enough: Email us with all your questions because we are here to help!

Take care, be well, stay safe, wash your hands, keep 6 feet distance socially, wear a mask.

We miss you!

Mrs. Davis and Mr. Seley