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KDavis2@birmingham.k12.mi.us and TSeley@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Thursday, June 7, 2018

PBL Celebration!

Today was full of positive energy! We did math and worked on publishing our natural disaster research projects. After lunch, so many parents brightened our day by celebrating our speeders from our Eng. Tech. assembly line. Our class meeting time was immeasurably special thanks to our family guests. Thank you for taking the time to be here with us. Next, we visited the kids on the Arbaugh/Brown team to hear all about their BCS Bees as they presented their Project Based Learning to us. We are excited to announce that next year, we will be collaborating with them throughout the year to connect our learning about the salmon and the Michigan ecosystem to the honeybees!

Again, it is a tremendous honor to be entrusted with nurturing your children for two years. Today, you saw some of the academic learning and the heartfelt fun that we enjoy every day. Thank you all for a great year. We will love your kids forever.

Kim and Tom