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KDavis2@birmingham.k12.mi.us and TSeley@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


Tomorrow from 8:30-11:45 our class is scheduled to take the math MStep and next Wednesday from 8:30-11:45 our class will take the language arts MStep.

The most important way for students to prepare is to work hard in class every day. The next best thing to do is to GET A FULL NIGHT'S SLEEP TONIGHT and to have a full, HEALTHY BREAKFAST TOMORROW MORNING. Bring a healthy snack as well.

Today in class, students used the tools on the online MStep practice test to see what the test might look like. You do not need to do this at home, but if your child wants to, the link is below.

Here is what we tell the kids about the MStep:

No one needs to be stressed or worried about this test. BCS does very well on the MStep, our school's scores are among the highest in the whole state, because it measures how well your teachers and your schools teach you. Show what you know! The MStep results do help us know what to teach more or less, so do your best because it helps us to teach YOU! Work hard, go slow, and read all of the words on the screen every time.

To practice the MStep,

a) M-STEP is on the left side;
b) Select "Online Tools Training"
c) Select "Sample Item Sets"
d) Select the grade
e) Select the content area
f) Login with the Username and Password provided on the login screen