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KDavis2@birmingham.k12.mi.us and TSeley@birmingham.k12.mi.us

Monday, March 5, 2018


Davis homeroom needs four chaperones for our Wednesday field trip from 12:15-2:45 PM, please email Mrs. Davis so you can fill out the iChat volunteer form.

Ask your child who their partner is and what their topic is for the Great Debates of 2018. For our opinion writing, we are doing a food edition of this Davis Seley classic publication. (Here's our working list of topics.)

Today we finished the short chapter book Next Spring An Oriole, about a little girl who, with her family, moves to the Michigan territory in the early 1800s on a covered wagon to settle land and build a log cabin. Later this week, we will begin the more sophisticated chapter book The Sign of the Beaver, another historical fiction book that tells a similar experience, rich with adventure and tales of survival.
Happy Birthday, Rocio! Mr. Morawski and Mr. Hill serenaded her as a winning Blast auction item from last year.